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We as a company take the safety of our cast and crew members very seriously, and we promise to continue to navigate this so-called “new normal” by following the latest rules and regulations provided by government and healthcare professionals as well as the guidelines from industry unions such as SAG, IATSE, Local 600, etc.
Something that has always been “normal” to us is having the ultimate goal of keeping everyone on our sets safe. We care about all of our team members, talent and clients, so we will continue to do everything in our power to provide the safest working environment possible.
While each project will come with its own set of requirements, below are the basic rules we abide by to keep everyone safe:
Physical distancing of at least 6 feet
Mandatory use of face coverings at all times
Sanitizing stations are readily available to all personnel & regular cleaning will be conducted throughout the day
Along with having a set medic and a CCO onsite, all cast and crew will be made aware of the safety requirements prior to and during each shoot.
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